Virginia Dressage Association Charlottesville Chapter
a USDF Region 1 GMO
a 501c3 non-profit organization
a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF)

Let’s Ride!

VADA- Charlottesville Clinic with Jim Koford
3-4 August 2023 (Saturday and Sunday)
Old Raptor Farm in Louisa, VA
(Near Zion Crossroads)
Opens - 18 July 2023 2022 Closes - 30 July 2023
About Our Clinician
Jim is an accomplished international Grand Prix competitor who is widely renowned in his field. Jim has trained and ridden a number of Grand Prix horses, included among them Art Deco, Donatelli II, and Don Principe. He received the Dressage Foundation Anne Barlow Ramsay Grant and studied in Europe with Michael Klimke for three months. Most recently Jim has trained and shown the beautiful piebald Fresian mare Adiah HP who wowed crowds and won several USDF national championships at Grand Prix. Jim is very versatile and even took up eventing for a while in his career and rode at the then Rolex event in Lexington, KY.
Clinic Cost - Rider
VADA-CH Member Riders:
$165 per horse and rider for one day
$330 per horse and rider for both days
Non-VADA-CH Member Riders:
$185 per horse and rider for one day
$370 per horse and rider for both days
Clinic Cost - Auditors:
VADA-CH Members and other VADA chapter Junior Members– Free
Non-VADA-CH Members - $5 per day
Lunch will be available for an additional $13 per day. (Advanced payment)
Stabling is available for $25/day (includes shavings and hay). Please no cribbers. You can leave your horse overnight. If you bring feed baggies they will feed you. Bring your own feed buckets and your own hay if you prefer. Turnout is also available. Stalls are dutch doors and have bars in the upper half between horses.
Please review Old Raptor Farm Barn Rules before the clinic. Download on the right.
If you join VADA-CH before the clinic, ($55 for senior members) receive the chapter member price. To join VADA-CH, click here to download Membership application.
Clinic Sign Up
This clinic is first-come, first-serve, with priority to VADA-CH members, but empty slots will be filled with non-VADA-CH members. The deadline for receipt of the application is 30 July 2023. Your clinic application must include all of the required documents and check to be considered registered for the clinic.
The clinic application package MUST include the following: 1) rider application; 2) liability waiver; 3) a copy of your Coggins; 4) a copy of your USEF vaccination report (blank report available to download); and 5) a check include stabling fees, payable to VADA-CH, to Sherri Booye 721 Lake Road, Troy, VA 22974.
Auditor Sign Up
Please send your auditor application, lunch payment, and auditor liability waiver to Sherri Booye 721 Lake Rd Troy, Va 22974 (nizra@earthlink.net) by 30 July 2023.